Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers

A lot of people in their 30s or 40s and think that they still can’t be and do what they always wanted to do but that is not always true, in most careers it is not. So I’m going to list some very successful people who found their calling late in life, late bloomers. As George Elliot once said it is never too late to become who you might have been.

1. Gabe Newell, If you are a gamer, you probably know who he is but if you are not Gabe Newell is one of the founders of Valve at the age of 34 and would later on create the video game Half-Life and at the age of 41 he and his team would create a software called Steam which would go onto change PC gaming forever.

2. Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman didn’t appear in a movie until 1971 when he was 34 and didn’t have a big role until 1989 when he appeared in the movie Driving Miss Daisy when he was 52

3. Stan Lee, Stan Lee is mostly known for his work at Marvel but before he used to write stories in a variety of genres. In his late 30’s, he was thinking of finding a new career but his boss assigned him to create a new superhero team and he then create The Fantastic Four. Of course as the rest is history as he would go on to create X-Men, The Hulk, and Spiderman.

4. Colonel Sanders, Colonel Sanders of course mostly known for the very popular KFC fast food chain didn’t become a professional chef until he was 40 and it wasn’t until 62 when he started KFC. He then sold KFC for 2 million dollars in 1964 when he was 74.

5. Grandma Moses, Here is a crazy one! Grandma Moses who is known for these incredible paintings didn’t even start painting until she was in her 70s. Now why she started painting all of a sudden, I have no idea but man what an inspiration!

What We Can Learn From Dogs

What We Can Learn From Dogs

Dogs, I am a huge dog lover!! I don’t love them just because they are so gosh darn adorable, I mean they are adorable. But I love how they make me feel when I when I see them and play them and I also feel they can teach us a lot of things about life. So I’m going to talk about what we can learn from dogs

1. Live in the now. If you notice, dogs tend to not hold onto what happened
yesterday or what may happen in the future. They live in the moment.

2. Keep trying until you succeed. If you notice, if a dog wants something or
they want to do something, they keep on trying until they succeed. No matter how much times they fail. They eventually find a way. And you find great examples of this on youtube.

3. Forgive. Dogs tend to not hold onto grudges for too long. They forgive,
forget, and move on fairly quickly

4. Love Unconditionaly. Dogs love their family more than they love themselvesThey get so excited, wag their tail, and get so excited when they see you.

Compliment Challenge

Compliment Challenge

Compliments, what are they good for? Absolutely everything! Today, I wanted to talk about something that I feel is important. Why? Well doesn’t it feel good when you receive a compliment? So why not send your friends and the people you like a random compliment. Your teacher or mentor a random compliment to let them know how much they mean to you, how grateful you are for them, we may think they know but the unfortunate truth is that they don’t know and most people honestly don’t tell or thank them for what they’ve done for them. And even if you did tell them in the past, it’s always good to be reminded.

Complimenting people or just leaving a positive comment to people can make someone’s day and that is so worth it. So I want to challenge all of you to make a positive compliment to one person every single day whether it’s a family member, friend, or a cool person on Facebook. Compliment someone, make their day, make them feel special because you never know, maybe nobody has ever complimented them in years or maybe even ever. There is a lot of crazy challenges out there so how about we start one of our own, the complimenting people challenge.

Moana “How Far I’ll Go” Meaning

Moana “How Far I’ll Go” Meaning

Moana is one of my favorite animated movies in the last few years and had one of the best soundtracks I’ve heard since the Lion King. A while back I was watching it and then came on the main song, “How far I’ll go” sung by Hawaii’s own Auliʻi Cravalho.

Now if you haven’t seen Moana, Moana, her family, and her people were always stuck on this Island and she never understood why and always adventured out to the Ocean ever since she was a baby. Now she is an adult when she sings this song.

The very first lines says “I’ve been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember, never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try”

As you can see or hear here that the sea is always calling to her, no matter what she does, she always ends up at the sea and she is questioning why is that even though she forbidden from her father.

Now my personal favorite part comes in verse 2 where she says “I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island Everything is by design I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island So maybe I can roll with mine”

Right here she is questioning the reality around her and is fighting on whether or not she should listen to her gut or listen to her dad. And this line really reminds me of everyday society. So many people are just running through the motions and doing what they are told instead of making a choice and decision to do what is right for them.

Now the last line I want to talk about is when she says “I can lead with pride, I can make us strong I’ll be satisfied if I play along But the voice inside sings a different song What is wrong with me?”

She at first thinks she’ll be ok if she stays on the Island and takes care of her people but at the same time she doesn’t know if she’ll be completely happy and be true leader if she ignores what she truly is.

I think a lot of people can relate to this song, many people are told that they need to do this or need to do that and many people listen to the ones on the outside and ignore their inner voice and they end up not happy and don’t fulfill their potential. What is that for you? And yes it can be scary, not listening to the people you love and especially if its your parents, grandparents, siblings, or maybe spouse is scary and take guts. But if you don’t do it now, you are going to look back your life with regret and nothing and I mean nothing is scarier and more terrifying than that.

Deadpool Lesson?

Deadpool Lesson?

With Deadpool 2 just coming out, I thought I would talk about a valuable lesson behind the first one. For 11 years, Deadpool actor, Ryan Reynolds wanted to create a Deadpool movie but Fox declined him because they were sure a Marvel movie would succeed with a R rating. But he didn’t give up and for 11 years and 47 rejections later, he finally got the approval to green light the project. As we they say, the rest is history and I wanted to take a look into it.

Marvel’s 20 Year Plan

Marvel’s 20 Year Plan

Avengers Infinity War was one of the best superhero movies that I have seen. The thing that has blown my mind about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is how good they have gotten.

They did just get there by chance either, they got their by careful planning and building. It took time for them to create this massive phenomenon. I thought I would explore how brilliant their planning is and the best part is they are only about half way through…


Visualize Your Goals Before They Happen

Visualize Your Goals Before They Happen

Visualization. What is it? One of the keys to success is to visualize your goals before they happen. Seeing the action step that you will be taking in your mind before you do it. It’s a concept that I learned from Tony Robbins and I wanted to teach it to all of you. Hope you all enjoy this week’s video!

Here are some key concepts to visualize your goals before they happen:

  1. Always visualize your goals in present tense as if they had already happened.
  2. Use powerful “I am” statements such as “I am at my perfect weight”.
  3. Visualize your goals at least twice a day once when you wake up and once before you go to bed.